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Banded Peak School

Banded Peak School  
 총학생수 : 252 명
 Our motto:
“At Banded Peak We Strive to be the Best That We Can Be!"
At Banded Peak, all students are at the heart of every decision we make. We believe that all students can learn and make sure that all students have every possible opportunity to be successful and confident learners.
Students in kindergarten to grade 8 attend Banded Peak School.
We have an amazing staff who help students develop into lifelong learners.
We encourage parental involvement and pride ourselves in being a community school.
Success for our students at Banded Peak can be described by two words… personal excellence.
It is our mission to encourage, enhance and acknowledge the students’ efforts to strive for personal excellence
in every endeavour that they take on.  
Whether it be related to academics, the fine arts, sports, leadership or  good citizenship, we expect our students to
make a commitment to ‘do the most with what they have’.   Personal excellence therefore, is defined not by standards or comparisons to others, but by doing the absolute best with the skills, knowledge and abilities that they possess at that time.
Our mission: Banded Peak is a community of learners committed to developing and fostering personal excellence, respect for the physical, natural and social environment, and responsible participation in our community.
We pride ourselves in building strong relationships between home, school and the broader community.
Together we strive to enhance our ability to be the best that we can be.