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Bert Church High School

Bert Church High School  
 9 - 12  
 총학생수 : 940 명

Our beliefs and mission.
Bert Church High School is located in Airdrie, AB and offers educational programming to students in grades 9-12.  Our current student population is approximately 925 students with a teaching staff 45 and a total staff of 75 people.  We offer a variety of programs in order to meet students’ needs and interests at all levels.  In addition to a full spectrum of academic courses, we also offer the Knowledge and Employability Program, Commercial Foods, Cosmetology, Off Campus Work and Registered Apprenticeship Programs, Media Arts, and Performing Arts courses.
Some of our beliefs follow:
About Relationships
An excellent school is characterized by an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration among all members of the school community.

About Opportunities
An excellent school provides all students with an opportunity to pursue a course of study that enables them to become productive and effective citizens.  The course of study should expand rather than limit students’ choices and opportunities.

About Attention to the Individual Student
An excellent school recognizes the value and worth of each individual student.  Those within the school make a concerted effort to communicate and demonstrate their concern for each student.
About Expectations
In an excellent school, expectations are shared by all members of the school community with regard to performance, atmosphere and recognition of achievement.

Our Mission:
It is the mission of Bert Church High School to set the highest standards for excellence for educating all individuals to use knowledge, values, and skills to function effectively as citizens of our society, by providing a nurturing and stimulating environment, through a dedicated staff, community involvement, and an innovative curriculum that meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.