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Chestermere High School

Chestermere High School  
총학생수 : 703 명
 Principal's Message
Chestermere High School is an exciting place to be!  Driven by our Division’s Three Year Plan and our own School Education Plan, we are close to completing the first decade of the 21st Century and, as a school, have worked hard to move towards becoming a 21st Century learning community.  Ever-present in our consciousness are the skills consistent of a 21st Century learner when considering initiatives and programming that move our community towards this end.  The question remains:  How are the needs of 21st Century Learners being supported in Chestermere High School?
With the infusion of technology in the multitude of curriculums and course offerings, teachers are moving towards being facilitators of knowledge while students take advantage of the wealth of information available at their fingertips.  Students are encouraged to take calculated risks through the use of project-based learning while teachers support learning with assessment practices that facilitate collaboration and risk-taking.
Teachers have engaged in a journey of learning new pedagogies such as Understanding by Design and Assessment for and of Learning to meeting the needs of the 21st Century learner.  It is important to us to meet the needs of our diverse and ever-changing population of learners and there is not a single individual in our building that is satisfied with stagnation and teachers continue to evolve and hone new skills to the benefit of their students.  On any given day in our building you can feel the energy of change and witness new and exciting opportunities for our community.
We, as a school community, have embraced the idea of becoming a 21st Century learning community and, over the next few years, we will be encouraging students to provide their own portable computing devices with a focus on developing both digital literacy and digital citizenship.  The long term goal is to have every student using a portable computing device as a tool for their learning in every classroom they attend.  This is another step in advancing 21st Century learning and, as lifelong learners, both students and staff will embark upon this next journey together sharing knowledge and skills to become fluent with new technologies and their application with a view to the future.
Our path will be progressive and steady, ensuring that we leave no student of staff member behind as we continue to live our Motto “Second to None”.
Ms. Sharon Rhodes, Principal