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Crossfield Elementary School

Crossfield Elementary School  
 총학생수 : 302 명
 Learning to read is our focus, Loving to read is our goal
Crossfield Elementary School (CES) is a mid-sized primary school serving approximately 300 students from Kindergarten to Grade 5. We are situated on the northern boundary of Rocky View Schools. Seventy-five percent of our schoolpopulation lives in the town of Crossfield; the remainder are bussed from the surrounding rural areas. The school was built in 1952 and fully renovated in 1986. It has been expanded by eight portables.
The Library has a rich assortment of books and materials as well as research and teacher resource areas.  Our computer lab, which is beside the Library, consists of 30 desktop computers which are networked. There are also several hallway computer stations for student use and a wireless mac lab. Crossfield Elementary School also has a supervised lunch program. With the help of community fundraising and support, CES has installed a variety of new playground equipment during the past several years, purchased multimedia LCD projectors and SmartBoards, and initiated our Home Reading Program. Our focus on reading is reinforced through more than:
    * 1000 Books per Classroom
    * 3900 Guided Reading Books
    * 9100 Books in Library
    * 1600 Text Books
    * 1100 Professional Library Books
    * Numerous Reference Books
    * Access to extensive online resources
"Whoo," our mascot, symbolizes "Caring, Sharing and Learning Together". "Whoo" attends our school assemblies and makes frequent visits throughout the school year to reinforce these ideals. "Whoo" is an important symbol for our school.
  Whoo's picture can be found in our school gymnasium and on the wall across from the main student entry to welcome students as they enter the school. Whoo's News is the monthly newsletter which keeps parents informed of school events.